If I see the above message from my computer one more time, I swear I’ll throw it across the room and stamp on the wreckage. Then I realise just how unstable that makes me seem. And angry. And yes. I am both of these things at the moment and much more. Being stuck in the house, trying to find ways to communicate outside of these four walls, and being repeatedly cut off just as I make a connection. That makes me think about so many of my clients who have mental health problems. They have often described being locked into their own internal nightmare, unable to deal with all of the emotions that are swirling around inside of them, hoping for some help, finding someone who just might be able to give them support, trying to communicate but then feeling let down, or so terrified of being let down and abandoned that they break the connection before it has a chance to stabilise.
Our unstable world is giving us a sense of what it is like for people who live with stress and distress, with depression, anxiety, unbearable anger, loneliness and an inability to reach out to anyone else because of all of the times during their childhood when they learnt that it was not wise to do so. Lets make use of this new understanding.
Phoenix offers online counselling and online therapy to anyone who is currently in need of emotional support. We also offer phone therapy and phone counselling. We operate a sliding scale, and our initial consultations are free.